

Nolvus Ascension

10.2 Nemesis

Create a Nemesis shortcut for Mod Organizer 2 (this shortcut is already created if you use the auto installer)

In MO2, edit executable ==> Click on "+" Button and select Add from file...

Browse to NOLVUS\MODS\Mods\Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine\Nemesis_Engine and select Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine.exe

Fill informations as shown and click on Apply.

Create an antivirus exception for Nemesis

Most anti virus softwares cause issues with Nemesis generation

90% chances are you will get this error if you don't create an exception for Nemesis.

You can then create an exception in your anti virus control panel to allow the program Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine.exe. If it does not work, the best things to do is to add an exception for your entire Nolvus directory


Options to select in Nemesis will vary if you choose the hardcore mode or not.


If you want to regen, delete the mod Nemesis Output first in Mod Oragnizer 2 (on the MO2 left side, under 10. OUTPUT section. Right click on the mod and select remove)

Running Nemesis for normal mode

Follow these steps if you don't want the hardcore mode

Select Nemesis from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

Select informations as shown BE SURE order is respected and right options are checked (Drag and Drop the mod to change order)

When done, click on Update Engine

When done, click on Launch Nemesis

Let Nemesis proceeds

When done you should see this

Running Nemesis for Hardcore mode

Follow these steps if you want the hardcore mode

Select Nemesis from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

Select informations as shown BE SURE order is respected and right options are checked (Drag and Drop the mod to change order)

When done, click on Update Engine

When done, click on Launch Nemesis

Let Nemesis proceeds

When done you should see this

Create a mod for the Nemesis Output

Double click on MO2 overwrite (at the bottom), you should have this


Delete anything else you have in the overwrite to only keep Nemesis output files and directories

When done right click on overwrite and select Create Mod... then name the mod Nemesis Output and click OK

When done, move the mod under Synthesis Patch


The generated Nemesis output will create an esp called FNIS.esp, be sure to never ESLify it

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